Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week One Blog Post

This logo was on a poster in the living room of our apartment.  It's for a video game called Nier, as you can tell by the picture.  The logo itself is definitely interesting.  It's in all caps with a custom font.  The fill inside of the font has a sort of grungy texture to it, alluding to the darker nature of the game itself. 

This font is for another video game poster in my room.  I always like looking at hand done fonts, so this appeals to me.  I like the hand done, almost violent aspect of this font.  It uses all caps and variation in size to show a lack of planning with words.  Almost as if it were done by hand in a rush.

This font is on a bear crossing sign attached to my door. It's a metal sign I bought up in the mountains one year during vacation.  I thought it was pretty convincing looking, so I bought it.  The font itself is easily read, like most warning signs.  It's also bold and black, just like most crossing signs.  

This font is on a poster in my room.  It's a map of a fictional land called Skyrim.  The font itself looks hand done, giving it an old world feel.  The penmanship looks neat and carefully done, adding to the hand done feel of the compass rose on the left.  It's well spaced and relatively easy to read.  

Third Assignment

For my final project, I used A series of pixilated dots in Illustrator.  I kind of wanted a childish feel to the font, so I didn't put much thought into  it beforehand.  Instead I just played in Illustrator until I achieved something I liked.  I had fun with this project solely because I could make the font any way I wanted.  

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Second Assignment

For our Second Project we were assigned to use a single word in textual context.  I figured that I would use Repetition and repeat it in some kind of neat way, knowing that more action oriented words would be used the most frequently.  I put a base layer of many very dark words on the bottom, and then lightened it up with several more layers of solely the word repetition.  In the center I put the most saturated words in the shape of what appears to be a diamond.  I chose that shape after playing around with other ones for a while.  Finally I put the lightest words in the smallest point font about the page, and in doing so finished it up with a lighter touch.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

First Assignment

For our first project, we were assigned to create a five letter word on vinyl and photograph it
within an environment.  To do this, I printed out the word "scale" on an 8.5x11 piece of paper and traced it onto the vinyl.   I cut the words out with an exacto knife after that, creating placable letters. I then lined it up along the glass wall of my bearded dragon's tank.  I waited for him to get within the shot and took a quick picture.  I then dragged said picture into photoshop and adjusted the image to grayscale.  After that, I altered the levels of the image so that the whites stood out just a bit more.  From that point, I lightened the areas around the letters so that the viewer could more easily see them within the photo.  After that I converted the image to jpeg.