Thursday, January 22, 2015

First Assignment

For our first project, we were assigned to create a five letter word on vinyl and photograph it
within an environment.  To do this, I printed out the word "scale" on an 8.5x11 piece of paper and traced it onto the vinyl.   I cut the words out with an exacto knife after that, creating placable letters. I then lined it up along the glass wall of my bearded dragon's tank.  I waited for him to get within the shot and took a quick picture.  I then dragged said picture into photoshop and adjusted the image to grayscale.  After that, I altered the levels of the image so that the whites stood out just a bit more.  From that point, I lightened the areas around the letters so that the viewer could more easily see them within the photo.  After that I converted the image to jpeg.

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