Friday, February 13, 2015

Weekly Post
This would be the logo of the store I work for called Giant.  it's completely old, and outdated.  The lettering is blocky and hard to read.  The logo itself is unrecognizable and doesn't stand out very well.  Maybe I'm just biased having worked there for so long.

This I found in a PetCo store.  I thought it was adorable so I snapped a quick picture.  I love the antlers, and how the type is still easy to read even though it's so decorative.  I like the varying fonts and contrasting colors as well.  

This Is a logo I saw on a prop bottle of health potion.  I thought it was cute, and suited the old timey look that the glass itself had.  In certain situations, changing the style of type is often necessary to stay with the theme of whatever it belongs to.  

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